kotlin-webgl-test / lib / kotludens / com / persesgames / shader / ShaderProgramMesh.kt
package com.persesgames.shader

import org.khronos.webgl.Float32Array
import org.khronos.webgl.WebGLBuffer
import org.khronos.webgl.WebGLRenderingContext

 * User: rnentjes
 * Date: 14-5-16
 * Time: 11:57

class VertextAttributeInfo(val locationName: String, val numElements: Int) {
    var location = 0
    var offset = 0

class ShaderProgramMesh<T>(
  val shaderProgram: ShaderProgram<T>
) {
    val webgl = shaderProgram.webgl
    val data: Float32Array
    var currentIndex: Int = 0
    val attribBuffer: WebGLBuffer
    var counter = 0

    init {
        data = Float32Array(20000 - (20000 % shaderProgram.drawLength))

        attribBuffer = webgl.createBuffer() ?: throw IllegalStateException("Unable to create webgl buffer!")
        webgl.bindBuffer(WebGLRenderingContext.ARRAY_BUFFER, attribBuffer);

    fun queue(vararg vertices: Float) {
        queue(vertices as Array<Float>)

    fun queue(vertices: Array<Float>) {
        data.set(vertices, currentIndex)
        currentIndex += vertices.size

        if (currentIndex == data.length) {
            println("Skipped draw call, to many values!")
            currentIndex = 0

    fun remaining() = data.length - currentIndex

    fun bufferFull() = currentIndex == data.length

    fun render(userdata: T) {
        if (currentIndex > 0) {
/*            if (counter % 100 == 0) {
                println("currentIndex=$currentIndex blockSize=${shaderProgram.verticesBlockSize} drawLength=${shaderProgram.drawLength} drawing=${(currentIndex / shaderProgram.verticesBlockSize).toInt()}")
            if (currentIndex % shaderProgram.verticesBlockSize != 0) {
                throw IllegalStateException("Number of vertices not a multiple of the attribute block size!")

            shaderProgram.begin(attribBuffer, userdata)

            webgl.bufferData(WebGLRenderingContext.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, WebGLRenderingContext.DYNAMIC_DRAW)
            webgl.drawArrays(shaderProgram.drawType, 0, (currentIndex / shaderProgram.verticesBlockSize).toInt())
            currentIndex = 0
