rnentjes authored on 28 Apr 2019
.idea Update version 4 years ago
gradle/ wrapper Update kotlin version, add clob 6 years ago
src Update kotlin version, add clob 6 years ago
.gitignore First commit 8 years ago
build.gradle Update version 4 years ago
gradlew First commit 8 years ago
gradlew.bat First commit 8 years ago
readme.md Update readme 7 years ago
settings.gradle First commit 8 years ago
simple-database-kotlin.ipr Use new version of simple-database (@Column bug) 7 years ago

Simple database kotlin

Maven, gradle etc:

Add maven repository: https://nexus.astraeus.nl/nexus/content/groups/public



Minimal example:

// see in test: nl.astraeus.database.example.MinimalExample.kt
@Cache(maxSize = 6)
class Person(
  @Id val id: Long = 0,
  @Length(value = 200)
  @Default("'new name'")
  var name: String,

  var age: Int,
  @Length(precision = 10, scale = 2) 
  var balance: Double,

  var address: String
) {
    // no-arg constructor required
    constructor(): this(0, "", 0, 0.0, "")

    constructor(name: String, age: Int, address: String): this(0, name, age, 0.0, address)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // define the default database, all it needs it a way to get a connection
    val db = SimpleDatabase.define(object : ConnectionProvider() {
        @Throws(SQLException::class, ClassNotFoundException::class)
        override fun getConnection(): Connection {

            val connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:Example;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", "sa", "")
            connection.autoCommit = false

            return connection

    // automatically create database tables and columns if needed

    // use default dao (extends it if you need more)
    val personDao = SimpleDao(Person::class.java)

    // execute multiple dao actions in transaction
    personDao.execute({ dao ->
        dao.insert(Person("John", 40, "Road"))
        dao.insert(Person("Jan", 32, "Straat"))
        dao.insert(Person("Ronald", 31, "Wherever"))
        dao.insert(Person("Piet", 26, "Weg"))
        dao.insert(Person("Klaas", 10, "Pad"))

    // find persons, read actions don't need a transaction
    var persons = personDao.where("name like ?", "J%")

    for (person in persons) {
        System.out.println("Person: " + person.name)

    // start transaction because of the update

    transaction {
        val person = personDao.find("name = ? and age = ?", "John", 40)

        person.name = "Johnny"


    persons = personDao.where("name like ?", "J%")

    for (person in persons) {
        System.out.println("Person: " + person.name)