komp / docs /
rnentjes on 14 Oct 2022 3 KB Add some documentation

Table of contents

Getting started

To get started create a new kotlin project in intellij of the type 'Browser application'

Create 'Browser Application' project

Add the 'sourceSets' block with the kotlin-komponent dependency so your build.gradle.kts looks like this:

plugins {
    kotlin("js") version "1.6.10"

group = "com.test"
version = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {

dependencies {


kotlin {
    js(IR) {
        browser {
            commonWebpackConfig {
                cssSupport.enabled = true

Refresh the gradle project to import the dependency.

There is now only one kotlin source file in the project called Simple.kt, it should look something like this:

fun main() {
  console.log("Hello, ${greet()}")

fun greet() = "world"

Replace the code in the file with the following for a simple click app:

import kotlinx.browser.document
import kotlinx.html.button
import kotlinx.html.div
import kotlinx.html.js.onClickFunction
import nl.astraeus.komp.HtmlBuilder
import nl.astraeus.komp.Komponent
import nl.astraeus.komp.mutableCollectionState
import nl.astraeus.komp.state
import kotlin.js.Date

fun main() {
  console.log("Hello, ${greet()}")

  Komponent.create(document.body!!, TestKomponent())

fun greet() = "world"

class TestKomponent : Komponent() {
  var clicks: Int = 0
  val lines: MutableCollection<String> = mutableListOf()

  override fun HtmlBuilder.render() {
    div {
      div {
        +"Hello Komponent!"

      div {
        +"Clicks $clicks"

      div {
        button {
          onClickFunction = {
            lines.add("click $clicks at ${Date()}")


      for (line in lines) {
        div {
          + line


First in the main we add our TestKomponent to the document body with the following line:

  Komponent.create(document.body!!, TestKomponent())

The TestKomponent.render method will be called to render our Komponent. As you can see events can be attached inline with the onFunction methods. The requestUpdate method will call the render method again and update the page accordingly.

After building the application you will find it in /build/distributions.

In the index.html page you will find the following line:

<div id="root"></div>

This line is not needed for kotlin-komponent.

If you like you can use some helpers that will automatically call the requestUpdate method if the data changes, that would look like this:

  var clicks: Int by state(0)
  val lines: MutableCollection<String> = mutableCollectionState(mutableListOf())

In that case you can remove the requestUpdate call from the onClickFunction.

You can find a working repository of this example here: kotlin-komponent-start